Whole line
can do 1 o 2 CD/creidit card
1 80 mm disc
etc etc in other industries
Line only
worked for 2 months
heavy paper (170 gm) & 2 CD\DVD 3 – 4000 per
light paper & 1 CD\DVD - 4000
- 4500 per hour
Machine can
be demonstrated
Unit 1 Mobile MBO
Paper loaded
on topand feeds out.
100gm paper 1000 to 1050
Unit 2 Bograma punch
Bograma is swiss company
This is for
stamping with a plate, on line. Cutting plate on top (not showing)
Unit 3 H&H Transfer
Between Bograma & gluin system stips out waste cuttings
Unit 4 Transport system with the HHS 5 hot
melt heads
Unit 5 & 6 2 pick &
place units, for CD Credit Cards etc
Unit 7a Puts static into the unit to hold CDs
in place and makes the first fold
Unit 7b Extra 2 spots
gluing system for adding other items & does 2 folds
Unit 7 c for parqllel folding
Unit 8 Slitter